Some important things to note before ordering:
We are only able to accept orders billed to and shipped to the U.S.
No international orders possible.

Please click on an item and read the description before ordering an item!

When ordering a snake, it is helpful to cut a string the given length of the snake
and put it into the same position as the snake being ordered to get an accurate idea of the size.

To see snakes being worn and displayed, click here.
Click here for information about snakes for Medusa head and then come on back

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We do not ship via UPS. We send most orders via USPS - but some heavier orders will be sent FedEx Ground.
Please be sure to enter a phone number for heavier orders, as FedEx requires this information.

Most companies base their shipping charges on the order total. Because of the varied nature of our products, we have had a problem with presenting shipping costs. For example, an order of heavy rubber snakes or one cast iron item may not be a high dollar order, but the weight and size of the order will incur higher shipping costs. An order of lightweight musical instruments, on the other hand, may be much higher dollar-wise but weigh very little and incur lower shipping costs. We decided to just have a flat shipping charge of $12.00 regardless of the order, for shipping in the continental US (outside the continental US may or may not be higher - will advise.) Some customers will get a bargain on their shipping and some will pay more than they like. Our aim is to break even on our true shipping and packing costs; we do not intend to make a profit on shipping. You may note the price has increased from what it was. We had not changed this rate in many years despite shipping cost increases levied several times, but this latest one has forced us to make an adjustment.

Below is our usual shipping schedule.
Because of the increased fuel costs and the duty to conserve and combine errands, heavier orders that need to go via FedEx Ground may not ship for a few days, as we do not have a regular pickup and it is a 24-mile round trip to take the packages in to town.

We ship on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
We are on Eastern time and ship from SE TN
  • All orders received by 2:00 p.m. Sunday will ship by Monday

  • all orders received after 2:00 p.m. Sunday and by 2:00 p.m. Tuesday will ship by Wednesday
  • all orders received after 2:00 p.m. Tuesday and by 2:00 p.m. Thursday will ship by Friday
  • in general, we are not able to accommodate requests for rush deliveries or special shipping services - we are on a working farm and need to schedule packing and shipping so that we can accomplish the rest of what needs to be done. During holiday seasons, we will usually ship daily to keep things flowing.
  • if you specify that your order must be received by a certain date, we will not ship it without confirming the shipping method and your acceptance of same, as we can only guarantee the day we send it out and cannot guarantee the carrier's performance. If we do not receive your authorization for our shipping by our cutoff time for the next day's shipping, we cannot ship until our next scheduled day.

If your email address is one that you do not regularly use or erroneous, and we need to communicate with you about your order and do not get a reply to our emails about the order, your order will not be shipped. We do not contact our customers by telephone.
Please Note: We generally will get back to you about your order within 24 hours. If you have not heard from us by then, it is possible that you have a spaminator on your computer that has decided our email is spam or that you have given us an email address that you do not often check - this will cause non-shipment if we need to communicate with you and cannot get a reply.

Thank you for your understanding.

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